Announced at the DUSON FGA meeting on Monday, Feb. 26, the goal of this year-long project is to determine if Sakai is meeting our (DUSON) LMS requirements for both classroom and distance-based classes. If it is not, we will pilot one or more alternatives, evaluate, and determine next steps.
Phase I (April, May) – Getting Started: Six 1-hour meetings over two months to look at requirements & LMS environments. We will also decide if we would like to pilot any other LMS environments and, if so, which one(s).
Phase II (May – July) – Pre-Pilot: Two 1-hour meetings to review pilot course development.
Phase III (August – December) – Pilot: One monthly meeting to evaluate progress. Phase IV (January) – Evaluation: One meeting in January to evaluate feedback and consider next steps.
@GlennSetliff @NancyFoskey @profmikegreene
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
for new features.
for changes in existing functionality.
for soon-to-be removed features.
for now removed features.
for any bug fixes.
in case of vulnerabilities.
Prepared by @profmikegreene