learn.duke is where learners start interacting with their learning communities. It connects them to a unified interface for accessing their instructional tools.
learn.duke displays to learners a unified interface for accessing the instructional tools used by their learning communities.
We have observed that Toolkits isn’t meeting this goal, which is causing communities to either rely on a single solution, like email or the LMS, which aren’t the best learning tool for all aspects of a learning community or use unsupported tools - even when a supported alternative exists.
How might learn.duke improve this to accommodate the entire range of learning communities, those that use a single tool, those using multiple supported tools, and those using their preferred, unsupported tools?
How might learn.duke encourage our learning communities to more frequently use the best tools to meet their learning goals and taking less energy to do so?
Answering these questions are the current goals for learn.duke
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
for new features.
for changes in existing functionality.
for soon-to-be removed features.
for now removed features.
for any bug fixes.
in case of vulnerabilities.
Prepared by @profmikegreene
Prepared by @profmikegreene
Prepared by @profmikegreene
Prepared by @profmikegreene
Prepared by @profmikegreene
label and moved them to invisionapp.